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            你的位置:首頁 > 技術(shù)文章 > 不同接觸角儀軟件Young-Laplace方程擬合接觸角對比








            We measured contact angle of same sample with 4 different software from Kruss, Dataphysics, Biolin and KINO. And we measured contact angle of sample by Biolin's sofware - OneAttension V2.4 at first because only this software cannot import images into software and calculate contact angle for imported image. Other sofwares such as DSA1.92 and DSA3.0 from Kruss, and SCA202 from Dataphysics and CAST3.0 from KINO can all import image into software and can calculate contact angle using different method such as circle fitting method, ellispe fitting method and Young-Laplace equation fitting method.

            At this article, we just show you the calculated result by different company's software. Comparison of measured result maybe has some existed deviation due to our misoperation. You can contact us to obtain the recorded video for measuring process of contact angle.

            And from the comparison of measured contact angle from different drop shape software, may safely draw a conclusion that:

            1, When contact angle below 3°:  anti-dazzling screen must be used to get sharp drop shape and when using Young-Laplace equation fitting method, only sofware from Biolin (OneAttension V2.4) is failure to fitting the drop shape and get a acceptable contact angle.

            2, When there exists some noise points or poor backgroud, tangent method based on parts of drop profile will  failure to fitting the drop shape and get a acceptable contact angle.

            3, When contact angle between 90°-140°, calculated contact angle based on Young-Laplace equation fitting method from drop shape analysis software from Kruss, Dataphysics and Biolin will be larger than other mehod such as circle fitting and ellispe fitting about 3-5° when circle fitting or ellispe fitting can fitting the drop shape. And also this value based on Young-Laplace equation fitting method is larger than ADSA-RealDrop based method from KINO about 3-5°.

            4, When contact angle larger than 140°,  calculated contact angle based on Young-Laplace equation fitting method from drop shape analysis software from Kruss, Dataphysics and Biolin will be larger than other mehod such as circle fitting and ellispe fitting about 8-10° when circle fitting or ellispe fitting can fitting the drop shape. And also this value based on Young-Laplace equation fitting method is larger than ADSA-RealDrop based method from KINO about 8-10°.

            5, Calculated ontact angles by different method from KINO's sofware CAST3.0 are almost kept same when both of them fitting drop shape correctly.

             Please be noted that,

            1, A basic principle is contact angle is calculated from tangent at contact point or curve radius at contact point. And when fitting drop profile with some equation of curve, if result of fitting is good, calculated contact angle will be almost same. In other words, Young-Laplace equation can be used to calculate contact angle when drop shape cannot fitting with circle equation due to effect of gravity. But if we used other equation of curve and fitting it correctly, the result will be kept almost same.

            2, Red number means it is failure to fitting drop profile with current method. And "—" means current method cannot calculate any result automatically.  

            Comparison of calculated contact angle based on different method and different company such as Kruss, Dataphysics, Biolin and KINO.


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